paid advertising Delivers immediate, Highly-targeted leads.

Google places their paid ads in the most prominent positions – it’s a great opportunity to get in front of prospects that are searching for you in their moment of need.
We have the ability to target very specific locations, characteristics and even behaviors of your prospects. We can place you in front of your perfect client exactly in the moments when they need your help the most…
But it’s not just about being in a top position for every search term. Let’s face it – not all leads are created equal. It takes a strategy – it’s about finding the terms that convert the most often and achieving a good return on your investment.
Mastering Google Ads isn’t easy. You’ll need a combination of search terms, negative search terms, one or more landing pages, a successful bid strategy and captivating copywriting skills. There are books published on it. You’ve heard of Google Adwords for Dummies, right? Well, we are proud to say that CareMarketer’s® owner, Kristie McDonald wrote one of them!

What’s more, CareMarketer® is an official Google Partner – an achievement few agencies have accomplished. Combine our expertise and experience and you’ll understand how we can achieve what we do for our clients.
As of March 2023, almost 9 out of every 10 searches happen on Google!
Our Google PPC Campaigns Include:
- A keyword strategy proven to generate interest, engagement and good leads.
- Ongoing campaign management to ensure that your advertising dollars are dedicated to the highest converting keywords, ads and demographics.
- Monthly status calls to connect the dots between the performance numbers we see, and the phone calls you receive to ensure your ROI is positive.