Without ever leaving google, an Optimized Profile turns Online searchers into New customers.

Today’s consumers are different. They are educated, selective and demanding. Today’s consumers are extremely busy and want to quickly and easily…
- Compare ratings
- Read reviews
- Learn about services
- Browse products
- View menus
- Check store hours
- Request a quote
- Get directions
- Determine if a company is responsive
- Have their questions answered, and
- Reach out (the way they want to reach out )
They want all of that… with little to no effort on their part!
Google saw this demand and forever transformed how we search – by offering companies their own Google Business Profiles.
Think of a Google Business Profile as Your Own Mini-Website On Google
This mini-website gives consumers everything they need to make their decision in seconds! Not only can customers easily see your phone number and address, they can simply press a button to call you, or press another to get directions right to you.
To remain competitive, your Google Business Profile must be fully optimized & regularly nurtured.
CareMarketer® will fully optimize your Google Business Profile in order to:
- Showcase your business, products and/or services
- Tout the awards and recognitions you’ve received
- Fully demonstrate your expertise by building out informative content
- Create a place for you to answer common questions alleviating known barriers that prevent customers from reaching out

Optimizing your
Google Business Profile
isn’t difficult… but it’s time consuming.
We’re here to help!
We increase your visibility in local searches by:
- Maintaining the listing on a regular basis in order to maximize exposure
- Supporting your team with the tools, messaging and strategies to consistently build Google Reviews that are positive and current
- Collaborating with you to capitalize on new content ideas that will garner more attention and expand your listing’s reach